Special Order Products

What is a special order? Any product that is not part of our usual supply is considered a special order product. Products classified as Special Orders are those that are supplied on an order-by-order basis straight from the manufacturer or supplier. Certain products might be custom orders that are created to order, while other products might be items that we only ask the manufacturer or original source to supply after we get an order. On an order-by-order basis, a special order product can be brought into our warehouse and kept in stock for just-in-time delivery to suit your demands. In order to discuss how we can better fulfill your shipping and packing needs, please get in touch with us if you don't see what you need mentioned on our products page.

Expected delivery. Products on special order might not be able to ship as quickly as our regularly stocked items—between one and two business days. The majority of special orders take 10 to 14 days to deliver. The manufacturer may ship some special orders straight to you. It could take up to several weeks for the others to be ordered into our warehouse along with the manufacturer's subsequent order before they are dispatched to you. We maintain constant contact with our supplier to ensure you are informed of the anticipated delivery date and any potential modifications.

Direct shipping. Certain products that are on special orders may be shipped straight to your place of business, depending on our vendors' policies.

Special order refunds and returns. After an order is placed, we may not always be able to cancel special order products. It's possible that these items cannot be returned. Before placing an order for made-to-order or custom order items, please get in touch with us with any inquiries.